Billy Rowell
Bioinformatics Data Scientist Fremont, CA | williamrowell |
williamrowell | 0000-0002-7422-1194
Google Scholar | bioRxiv
Collaborative biological data scientist with over 20 years of research experience, including 9 years in genomics. Currently focused on variant calling applications and analysis workflows for long-read sequencing data. Practical experience in genomics, human and model organism genetics, and molecular biology.
NGS/long-read sequencing and QC · WGS/WES/targeted sequencing · NGS/long-read variant calling stacks · long-read genome assembly · RNA-Seq/Iso-Seq · human and model organism genetics · rare disease research · experimental design · high-throughput logistics
reproducible analysis with WDL/Snakemake · containerization with Docker/Singularity · Python/NumPy/pandas/Matplotlib · HPC/Slurm · Bash/Git · samtools/bedtools/bcftools · image acquisition and analysis
mentor and team leader · collaborative scientist · strong problem solver · effective communication · translates between disciplines · technical trainer · extensive customer-facing experience
Bioinformatics Scientist
February 2017 - Present
Pacific Biosciences, Menlo Park, CA
Senior Staff Bioinformatics Scientist, June 2022 - Present
Staff Bioinformatics Scientist, March 2020 - May 2022
Senior Bioinformatics Scientist, February 2017 - February 2020
- Lead a small team focused on developing, improving, and applying analysis workflows to characterize genomics data.
- Developed and released HPC/multi-cloud workflows for variant calling, filtering, annotation, and prioritization for rare and inherited disease studies (HiFi-human-WGS-WDL, pb-human-wgs-workflow-snakemake, HiFi-human-assembly-WDL).
- Worked alongside customers to apply long-read sequencing to rare disease research and identify candidate variation (Del Gobbo et al., 2023), (Mehinovic et al., 2022), (Cohen et al., 2022), (Laine et al., 2021), (Cook et al., 2020), (Tseng et al., 2019), (Cheung et al., 2023), (Kucuk et al., 2023), (Fabian Morales et al., 2024), (Redfield et al., 2024).
- Worked with academic collaborators and within the NIST Genome in a Bottle consortium to improve human variant calling benchmarks (Kronenberg et al., 2024), (Porubsky et al., 2024), (Wagner et al., 2022), including in MHC (Chin et al., 2020), and other challenging medically relevant regions (Wagner et al., 2022).
- Through collaborations, guided the development and improvement of tools and applications for long-read sequencing data, e.g., HiFi WGS (Wenger et al., 2019), TRGT (Dolzhenko et al., 2024), HiPhase (Holt et al., 2024), DeepConsensus (Baid et al., 2022), (Belyaeva et al., 2022), DNAscope LongRead (Freed et al., 2022), Sawfish (Saunders et al., 2024) and PGx analysis (van der Lee et al., 2022).
- Support commercial teams by leveraging pilot experiments into sales and collateral.
- Present research at conferences or in webinars (presentations, posters), and train customers and internal teams on analysis workflows.
- Provide escalated customer support for complex data analysis and interpretation.
Scientific Programmer
September 2015 - February 2017
Q2 Solutions | EA Genomics, Durham, NC
- Processed NGS data with standard WGS, WES, and RNA-seq analysis pipelines.
- Monitored data quality and determined root cause of problems.
- Delivered data for hundreds of samples per month in a timely manner to meet customer expectations.
- Guided the development of delivery/analysis pipeline enhancements and developed tools for tracking tasks and errors.
- Recognized for providing exceptional customer service.
Research Specialist
March 2010 - September 2015
HHMI, Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, VA
Research Specialist, September 2013 - September 2015
Research Technician III, September 2011 - August 2013
Research Technician II, March 2010 - August 2011
- Supported labs and project teams by providing consultation, conducting experiments, analyzing data, and writing software.
- Acted as liaison and translator between scientists, software engineers, and electrical engineers.
- Screened D. melanogaster lines through high-throughput locomotor, optomotor, phototaxis, flight, and olfactory assays (Aso et al., 2014), (Isaacson et al., 2023), (Namiki et al., 2022).
- Curated and analyzed experimental data and metadata.
- Aided in design of novel behavioral assays, including instrument design and testing, protocol refinement, and data analysis tools in python and MATLAB.
University of California, Berkeley
MA in Molecular and Cell Biology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
BS Biology, Chemistry minor
Find a full list of publications, preprints, posters, and presentations at
Holt, J. M., Saunders, C. T., Rowell, W. J., Kronenberg, Z., Wenger, A. M., & Eberle, M. (2024). HiPhase: Jointly phasing small, structural, and tandem repeat variants from HiFi sequencing. Bioinformatics, btae042. 10.1093/bioinformatics/btae042
Dolzhenko, E., English, A., Dashnow, H., … Eberle, M. A. (2024). Characterization and visualization of tandem repeats at genome scale. Nature Biotechnology. 10.1038/s41587-023-02057-3
Del Gobbo, G. F., Wang, X., Couse, M., … Boycott, K. M. (2023). Long-read genome sequencing reveals a novel intronic retroelement insertion in NR5A1 associated with 46,XY differences of sexual development. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A. 10.1002/ajmg.a.63522
Cheung, W. A., Johnson, A. F., Rowell, W. J., … Pastinen, T. (2023). Direct haplotype-resolved 5-base HiFi sequencing for genome-wide profiling of hypermethylation outliers in a rare disease cohort. Nature Communications, 14(1), 3090. 10.1038/s41467-023-38782-1
Kucuk, E., van der Sanden, B. P. G. H., O’Gorman, L., … Gilissen, C. (2023). Comprehensive de novo mutation discovery with HiFi long-read sequencing. Genome Medicine, 15(1), 34. 10.1186/s13073-023-01183-6
Baid, G., Cook, D. E., Shafin, K., … Carroll, A. (2022). DeepConsensus improves the accuracy of sequences with a gap-aware sequence transformer. Nature Biotechnology. 10.1038/s41587-022-01435-7
Cohen, A. S. A., Farrow, E. G., Abdelmoity, A. T., … Pastinen, T. (2022). Genomic answers for children: Dynamic analyses of >1000 pediatric rare disease genomes. Genetics in Medicine, 24(6), 1336–1348. 10.1016/j.gim.2022.02.007
Wagner, J., Olson, N. D., Harris, L., … Sedlazeck, F. J. (2022). Curated variation benchmarks for challenging medically relevant autosomal genes. Nature Biotechnology, 40(5), 672–680. 10.1038/s41587-021-01158-1
Wagner, J., Olson, N. D., Harris, L., … Zook, J. M. (2022). Benchmarking challenging small variants with linked and long reads. Cell Genomics, 2(5), 100128. 10.1016/j.xgen.2022.100128
Mehinovic, E., Gray, T., Campbell, M., … Turner, T. N. (2022). Germline mosaicism of a missense variant in KCNC2 in a multiplex family with autism and epilepsy characterized by long-read sequencing. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A, 188(7), 2071–2081. 10.1002/ajmg.a.62743
Namiki, S., Ros, I. G., Morrow, C., Rowell, W. J., Card, G. M., Korff, W., & Dickinson, M. H. (2022). A population of descending neurons that regulates the flight motor of Drosophila. Current Biology, 32(5), 1189–1196.e6. 10.1016/j.cub.2022.01.008
van der Lee, M., Rowell, W. J., Menafra, R., Guchelaar, H.-J., Swen, J. J., & Anvar, S. Y. (2022). Application of long-read sequencing to elucidate complex pharmacogenomic regions: a proof of principle. The Pharmacogenomics Journal, 22(1), 75–81. 10.1038/s41397-021-00259-z
Laine, P., Rowell, W. J., Paulin, L., … Ekholm, J. M. (2021). Alu element in the RNA binding motif protein, X-linked 2 (RBMX2) gene found to be linked to bipolar disorder. PLOS ONE, 16(12), 1–18. 10.1371/journal.pone.0261170
Chin, C.-S., Wagner, J., Zeng, Q., … Zook, J. M. (2020). A diploid assembly-based benchmark for variants in the major histocompatibility complex. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4794. 10.1038/s41467-020-18564-9
Cook, G. W., Benton, M. G., Akerley, W., … Emerson, L. L. (2020). Structural variation and its potential impact on genome instability: Novel discoveries in the EGFR landscape by long-read sequencing. PLOS ONE, 15(1), 1–21. 10.1371/journal.pone.0226340
Wenger, A. M., Peluso, P., Rowell, W. J., … Hunkapiller, M. W. (2019). Accurate circular consensus long-read sequencing improves variant detection and assembly of a human genome. Nature Biotechnology, 37(10), 1155–1162. 10.1038/s41587-019-0217-9
Tseng, E., Rowell, W. J., Glenn, O.-C., Hon, T., Barrera, J., Kujawa, S., & Chiba-Falek, O. (2019). The Landscape of SNCA Transcripts Across Synucleinopathies: New Insights From Long Reads Sequencing Analysis. Frontiers in Genetics, 10. 10.3389/fgene.2019.00584
Aso, Y., Sitaraman, D., Ichinose, T., … Rubin, G. M. (2014). Mushroom body output neurons encode valence and guide memory-based action selection in \textitDrosophila. ELife, 3, e04580. 10.7554/eLife.04580
Senger, K., Armstrong, G. W., Rowell, W. J., Kwan, J. M., Markstein, M., & Levine, M. (2004). Immunity Regulatory DNAs Share Common Organizational Features in Drosophila. Molecular Cell, 13(1), 19–32. 10.1016/S1097-2765(03)00500-8
Monlong, J., Chen, X., Barseghyan, H., … Délot, E. C. (2025). Long-read sequencing resolves the clinically relevant CYP21A2 locus, supporting a new clinical test for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. MedRxiv. 10.1101/2025.02.07.25321404
Boukas, L., Délot, E. C., Pitsava, G., … Berger, S. I. (2025). Identification of de novo variants from parent-proband duos via long-read sequencing. MedRxiv. 10.1101/2025.02.24.25322424
Kronenberg, Z., Nolan, C., Mokveld, T., … Eberle, M. A. (2024). The Platinum Pedigree: A long-read benchmark for genetic variants. BioRxiv. 10.1101/2024.10.02.616333
Redfield, S. E., Shao, W., Sun, T., … Shearer, A. E. (2024). Long-Read Sequencing Increases Diagnostic Yield for Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss. MedRxiv. 10.1101/2024.09.30.24314377
Fabian Morales, G. E., Ordonez Labastida, V., Rowell, W. J., Lambert, C., Fanslow, C., Robertson, A., & Zenteno Ruiz, J. C. (2024). Resolving the diagnostic odyssey in inherited retinal dystrophies through long-read genome sequencing. MedRxiv. 10.1101/2024.08.28.24312668
Porubsky, D., Dashnow, H., Sasani, T. A., … Eichler, E. E. (2024). A familial, telomere-to-telomere reference for human de novo mutation and recombination from a four-generation pedigree. BioRxiv. 10.1101/2024.08.05.606142
Saunders, C. T., Holt, J. M., Baker, D. N., Lake, J. A., Belyeu, J. R., Kronenberg, Z., Rowell, W. J., & Eberle, M. A. (2024). Sawfish: Improving long-read structural variant discovery and genotyping with local haplotype modeling. BioRxiv. 10.1101/2024.08.19.608674
Isaacson, M. D., Eliason, J. L. M., Nern, A., … Reiser, M. B. (2023). Small-field visual projection neurons detect translational optic flow and support walking control. BioRxiv. 10.1101/2023.06.21.546024
Belyaeva, A., Shor, J., Cook, D. E., … Chang, P.-C. (2022). Knowledge distillation for fast and accurate DNA sequence correction. ArXiv. 10.48550/ARXIV.2211.09862
Freed, D., Rowell, W. J., Wenger, A. M., & Li, Z. (2022). Sentieon DNAscope LongRead – A highly Accurate, Fast, and Efficient Pipeline for Germline Variant Calling from PacBio HiFi reads. BioRxiv. 10.1101/2022.06.01.494452
Bioinformatics resources to analyze PacBio HiFi human genomes. (2024, February). PacBio Webinar Series. recording
W09. Structural chromosomal variation in cytogenomics: HiFi sequencing identifies likely causal variants missed by short-reads. (2023, June). Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Glasgow, Scotland. European Society of Human Genetics. slides
Comprehensive detection of variants in unsolved rare disease cases with PacBio HiFi reads. (2021, August). Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics. European Society of Human Genetics. slides
A Bioinformatics Workflow for Comprehensive Detection and Prioritization of Variants with PacBio HiFi Reads. (2021, April). PacBio Rare Disease Week. url
Comprehensive Variant Detection with PacBio HiFi Reads. (2021, April). Long Read Sequencing Opportunities at the BCM Human Genome Sequencing Center.
Comprehensive Variant Detection with PacBio HiFi Reads. (2020, September). Virtual Seminar for UC Schools: Get to Know the HiFi Difference. slides
HiFi Reads for Comprehensive Variant Detection. (2020, May). SMRT Leiden Online. slides
Evaluation of HG002 v4 draft benchmark against GATK calls on PacBio HiFi reads. (2019, October). Reference Assembly & Reference Materials: Updates from the GRC & GIAB, Houston, Texas, United States.
Advantages of HiFi reads for variant discovery and genome assembly. (2019, May). SMRT Scientific Symposium, Leiden, Netherlands.
Comprehensive Variant Detection with Highly Accurate Long Reads. (2019, April). HUGO Human Genome Meeting, Seoul, South Korea.
Belyeu, J. R., Rowell, W. J., Lake, J. A., Holt, J. M., Kronenberg, Z., Saunders, C. T., & Eberle, M. A. (2024). Visualize complex structural variants in HiFi data with SVTopo. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Denver, Colorado, United States. poster
Saunders, C. T., Holt, J. M., Baker, D. N., Lake, J. A., Belyeu, J. R., Kronenberg, Z., Rowell, W. J., & Eberle, M. A. (2024). Sawfish: improving long-read structural variant discovery and genotyping with local haplotype modeling. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Denver, Colorado, United States. poster
Délot, E., Monlong, J., Chen, X., … Vilain, E. (2024). P821: Long-read sequencing resolves CYP21A2 alleles in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. In Genetics in Medicine Open (Vol. 2). Annual Meeting of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, Toronto, Canada. Elsevier. 10.1016/j.gimo.2024.101732
Del Gobbo, G., Couse, M., Lambert, C., … Boycott, K. (2024). O36: Long-read genome sequencing in unsolved rare genetic diseases: Preliminary experiences from the Care4Rare Canada Consortium. In Genetics in Medicine Open (Vol. 2, p. 101474). Annual Meeting of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics, Toronto, Canada. 10.1016/j.gimo.2024.101474
Kronenberg, Z. N., Munson, K. M., Porubsky, D., … Eberle, M. A. (2024). Building the spectrum of ground truth genetic variation in a four-generation 28-member CEPH family. Annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States. poster
Dolzhenko, E., Erwin, G. S., Wang, K., … Eberle, M. A. (2024). Resolving variation in polymorphic regions of the human genome. Annual Advances in Genome Biology and Technology Meeting, Orlando, Florida, United States. poster
Holt, J. M., Saunders, C. T., Rowell, W. J., Kronenberg, Z., Wenger, A. M., & Eberle, M. (2023). HiPhase: Jointly phasing small and structural variants from HiFi sequencing. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Washington, D.C., United States. poster
Kronenberg, Z. N., Munson, K. M., Porubsky, D., … Eberle, M. A. (2023). Building the spectrum of ground truth genetic variation in a four-generation 28-member CEPH family. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Washington, D.C., United States. poster
Rowell, W. J., Redfield, S., Nolan, C., … Eberle, M. A. (2023). P16.011.D. PacBio HiFi WGS identifies potential causal variants not found by short read sequencing. Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics, Glasgow, Scotland. poster
Belyaeva, A., Baid, G., Cook, D. E., … Carroll, A. (2022). PB2960. DeepConsensus v0.3: Gap-aware sequence transformers for sequence correction. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Pastinen, T., Cheung, W., Rowell, W. J., Portik, D., Hall, R. J., Wenger, A. M., & Grundberg, E. (2022). PB2972. Direct haplotype-resolved 5-base HiFi genome sequencing allows for linking rare disease variants to non-coding function. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Lake, J. A., Rowell, W. J., & Eberle, M. A. (2022). PB2954. De novo variant detection with HiFi reads. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, California, United States. poster
Del Gobbo, G., Wang, X., Couse, M., … Boycott, K. M. (2022). PB2322. Long-read HiFi genome sequencing reveals a 2.7 kilobase intronic insertion in NR5A1 as a cause of 46,XY disorder of sexual development. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Los Angeles, California, United States.
Rowell, W. J., Wenger, A. M., Hickey, L. A., & Töpfer, A. (2020). I13. Comprehensive single-nucleotide, indel, structural, and copy-number variant detection in human genomes with PacBio HiFi reads. Annual Meeting of The Association for Molecular Pathology. poster
Rowell, W. J., & Wenger, A. M. (2020). A workflow for the comprehensive detection and prioritization of variants in human genomes with PacBio HiFi reads. Cold Spring Harbor Biological Data Science Meeting. poster
Rowell, W. J., Wenger, A. M., Baid, G., Nattestad, M., Carroll, A., & Chang, P.-C. (2020). 3487. Accurate, comprehensive variant calling in difficult-to-map genes using HiFi reads (Reviewers’ Choice award). Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics. poster
Wenger, A. M., Rowell, W. J., Töpfer, A., & Hickey, L. (2020). P15.35.C. Comprehensive variant detection in human genomes with PacBio HiFi reads. Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics.
Wagner, J., Carroll, A., Fiddes, I. T., … in a Bottle Consortium, G. (2019). 1540. Using long and linked reads to generate a new Genome in a Bottle small variant benchmark. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Houston, Texas, United States. poster
Rowell, W. J., Chakraborty, S., Baybayan, P., & Hall, R. J. (2019). 1866. Detection and phasing of small variants in Genome in a Bottle samples with highly accurate long reads. Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics, Houston, Texas, United States. poster
Rowell, W. J., Wenger, A. M., Kolesnikov, A., Chang, P.-C., Carroll, A., Hall, R. J., & Peluso, P. (2019). P16.85A. Comprehensive variant detection in a human genome with highly accurate long reads. Annual Meeting of The European Society of Human Genetics, Gothenburg, Sweden. poster
Rowell, W. J., Peluso, P., Harting, J., Qian, Y., Wenger, A. M., Hall, R. J., & Rank, D. R. (2018). Comprehensive Variant Detection in a Human Genome with PacBio High-Fidelity Reads. Cold Spring Harbor Biological Data Science Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, United States. poster
Professional Training
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training, Q2 Solutions | EA Genomics
Software Carpentry Instructor Training, The Carpentries
High Functioning Leadership Program, HHMI Janelia Research Campus
English (native); Spanish (conversational, but rusty)
Available upon request.